Friday, December 30, 2011

Barefoot on Ice

While walking out to my car this morning, my hubby got all paparazzo on me.

Someday I'll legitimately be able to say I'm hiding from the paparazzi.

And when that happens, you'll know where to find me. Facebook!

Monday, December 26, 2011

An afternoon drive

Hubby and I took a drive today!

We drove around some rural highways east of the city and ended up in a tiny little town with nothing more than a gas station and a Subway.

At least the Subway had some nice cushy chairs!

Om nom nom chocolate!

As a side note, weather in Alberta is bizarre. It's 2 degrees outside! This time last year, we were colder than Antarctica! That's really cold! But this year has been warm and lacking snow. You won't see me complaining!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

If you're in the Edmonton area, come to the barefoot meeting!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Home Depot

Husband and I finally had a day off together! We started the morning off with a breakfast of shakes!

Then we went to Home Depot! (They should pay me for advertising for them. For reals, I blog about the products I use all the time. Somebody should take advantage of this.)

Somebody gave us a gift card for our wedding and we finally got around to using it because we needed a new curtain rod and some planters to move our garden indoors for the winter.

For some reason, everybody stared at me. You would think being barefoot in a hardware store is weird or something!